Sunday, January 6, 2013

TROOP NEWS: Wk of 01/06/13

  1. The sleepover was a great success!  Thank you to all who attended.  :)
  2. Snack/ Leader for this week is FAITH!  Be ready to share what makes your snack healthy!  :)
    - SELL, SELL, SELL!!!
    - COLLECT MONEY!!  I will not give you cookies if you do not give me money- we don't do that "pay upon receipt" thing. Pre-order = Pre-pay.
    - TURN IN MONEY.  You can turn in money as often as you'd like.  I'll write a receipt and staple it to your collection envelope, so we can count that when totaling everything up later on.  :)
    - CHECKS: First choice payment is always cash.  Please do not accept checks unless it is someone you KNOW WELL.  What I'd prefer is that you have them write the check to YOU, and then you could write one check for all of them... if you're not comfortable with that... then maybe don't accept checks.  ;o)  (I only accept checks from family & coworkers.  Just FYI.)
    - The girls will be discussing goals and best selling practices this week. 
    I'm going to propose an overnight at the zoo ($60pp) as their goal- it would mean selling approximately 150 boxes of cookies each (totally doable!  Last year we had girls sell 300-500+ boxes!)  Overnight would be scheduled for May/June.  Please let me know if the concept or the dates are a problem for you. 
  4. UPCOMING EVENT:  National Cookie Rally Sleepover!!  Event is THIS SATURDAY 01/12/13.  Girls have the option of attending 6pm-930pm OR they can spend the night (pick up by 9am).  Please let me know ASAP if you/your girl can attend- and if so, will it be for the evening or all night?
  5. We will begin learning about Ireland for our entry in the International Festival (Sunday, 02/10 2-5pm).  If you have any particular ties to Ireland or knowledge to share, please do!  :)
  6. Please let me know which days of the week you & your girl are NOT available for cookie booths- I will have the opportunity to sign up soon, and want to ensure that as many girls as possible can participate! :)

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